Install Android apps on your Chromebook

You can download and employ Android apps on your Chromebook with the Google Play Store app.

Currently, the Google Play Store is merely available for some Chromebooks. Learn which Chromebooks back up Android apps.

Important: If you lot use your Chromebook at work or school, you may not be able to add the Google Play Shop or download Android apps. For more information, contact your ambassador.

Tap here to see an interactive tutorial

Footstep 1: Get the Google Play Store app

Important: To get Android apps on your Chromebook, make sure your Chrome OS version is up to date. Larn how to update the operating organisation of your Chromebook.

  1. At the bottom correct, select the time.
  2. Select Settings .
  3. In the "Google Play Shop" department, next to "Install apps and games from Google Play on your Chromebook," select Turn on.
    Tip: If you can't find this choice, your Chromebook doesn't piece of work with Android apps.
  4. In the window that opens, select More.
  5. Concord to the Terms of Service.

Step two: Get Android apps

You can find and download Android apps on your Chromebook.

Your Chromebook doesn't automatically download the same Android apps that are on your telephone or tablet, so you must download them again. Likewise, some apps don't work with some Chromebooks, then you tin can't download them.

Tip: The Google Play Store and any Android apps that you download are only bachelor for the account that signed in first. To use them with a different account, sign out of your accounts and sign in with the account you desire to apply.

Update your app version, permissions, or settings

Install app updates

If y'all become a notification that says "Updates available" on the bottom right of your screen, select Update or Update all.

If y'all don't go this notification:

  1. In the corner of your screen, select the Launcher and thenUp arrow .
  2. Select Play Store Google Play.
  3. To update your apps, follow the on-screen instructions.

Alter permissions

Change app permissions

After you install an Android app, you can control which capabilities or information the app can notice or use, known as permissions:

  1. At the bottom correct, select the fourth dimension.
  2. Select Settings .
  3. In the "Google Play Store" section, select Google Play Store.
  4. Select Manage Android preferences.
  5. In the "Device" section, select Apps.
  6. From the listing of apps, select an app and then Permissions.
  7. Plow permissions on or off.

Share or unshare your location

Important: If you utilise your Chromebook at work or schoolhouse, you may not exist able to choose whether to share your location.

When yous choose to use Android apps on your Chromebook, you tin can decide to let Google know your location.

  1. At the bottom correct, select the fourth dimension.
  2. Select Settings .
  3. In the "Google Play Store" section, select Google Play Shop.
  4. Select Manage Android preferences.
  5. In the "Personal" department, turn Location on or off.
  6. Optional: To turn location permissions on or off for a specific app, select the app, and so select Permissions. And so turn Location on or off.

Support & sync your apps

Dorsum up & restore your app information

By default, Chromebooks automatically back up and restore Android app data. This way, if you motion to a new Chromebook, yous tin restore your Android app information.

To turn backup and restore on or off:

  1. At the lesser right, select the time.
  2. Select Settings .
  3. In the "Google Play Shop" section, select Google Play Store.
  4. Select Manage Android preferences.
  5. In the "Personal" section, plough Back up my data on or off.

Tip: If your Chromebook has sync turned off, but fill-in and restore turned on, it tin can still back up your Android apps. If you have more than than one Chromebook, your Android apps and their data might not sync across your Chromebooks fully.

Sync your apps across Chromebooks

Past default, your Chromebook syncs the Android apps on your Chromebook across your other Chromebooks. If your Chromebook doesn't sync your apps, bank check your sync settings and select Sync everything or plough on Apps syncing. Acquire how to modify your sync settings.

Learn how Chrome OS handles your Android app information

What Android apps can find

  • Apps tin can download files to and read files from your Chromebook's downloads location. To change this setting, you tin open the permissions page of an app, and so turn off Storage.
  • Some Android apps that have permission to know your location might besides utilize Bluetooth on your Chromebook.
  • If you lot browse privately, only click on a link inside an app, the link opens in a regular browser tab, not a private one.
  • If y'all turn off the Google Play Store on your Chromebook, your Android app information and settings are erased from your device.
  • You lot tin can review other Android app privacy and security settings which come with using Android apps. Some of these settings might not utilise or prove up on your Chromebook.

What Google can detect

When you opt in to use the Google Play Shop, some system apps and features may ship Google information about how you use those apps.

If you opt to send Google information about the usage and performance of your Chromebook, Google gets diagnostic and usage information about your app activeness. Google as well receives crash reports. Any crash reports Chrome sends to Google may besides include some sensitive information about your Android apps.

Resize your apps

Of import: Yous can only resize new apps that you download.

To make Android apps show up on your Chromebook equally they do on your tablet or Android phone, you can modify the size of the app.

  1. On your Chromebook, open an Android app.
  2. At the meridian, select the Down arrow and select:

Tip: To gear up a custom size for the app, y'all can select Resizable .

Developers: Optimize Android apps for Chromebooks

To brand the apps y'all develop work more than efficiently on Chromebooks, larn how to optimize your Android apps.

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